bible page on gray concrete surface

Kingdom Thoughts

The Invisible God

Deuteronomy 5.8–10; 4.9–20 The second  sermon in a series on The Ten Commandments, preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 13th August 2023 The second commandment forbids the making of idols: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any…

God at the Centre

Deuteronomy 5.6–7 The first of a series of sermons on The Ten Commandments preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 6th August 2023 In 58 years of ministry I have never taught on the Ten Commandments. Whyever not, when we were taught…

Holy Cross

2 Corinthians 5.11-21 A final sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 24 July 2022 Notice The Poor and their Possessions: Possessions and the Poor in Luke-Acts is now in print and available from Wipf and Stock. I will be getting…

Generosity and Life

Luke 12.13–21 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 17 July 2022 I have never been comfortable preaching about giving. It seems a little like begging for your own supper. Now I am uncomfortable about leaving having not touched on…


Acts 1.1–11 and John 15.18–27 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 3 July 2022 There are three main things stopping people from becoming Christians. The first cause is that many people have little knowledge of what Christianity is. Sometimes…