bible page on gray concrete surface

Kingdom Thoughts

Children and Parents

Deuteronomy 5.16; 1 Samuel 2.12–26; Ephesians 6.1–4 The 5th sermon on the Ten Commandments preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 3rd September 2023 This series will be continued early next year. In October and November of this year I will be…

The Day of Rest

Deuteronomy 5.12–15; Colossians 2.13–17; Mark 3.1–6 Fourth sermon on the Ten Commandments delivered at Nedlands Anglican Church 27th August 2023 A young man sat on the ground and leaned his back on a fence post. His mind was troubled. He…

The Name of God

Deuteronomy 5.11; Romans 2.17–24; John 17.1–12 The third  sermon on the Ten Commandments preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 20th August 2023 We come this morning to the third of the ten commandments. “You shall not take the name of the…

The Invisible God

Deuteronomy 5.8–10; 4.9–20 The second  sermon in a series on The Ten Commandments, preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 13th August 2023 The second commandment forbids the making of idols: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any…

God at the Centre

Deuteronomy 5.6–7 The first of a series of sermons on The Ten Commandments preached at Nedlands Anglican Church 6th August 2023 In 58 years of ministry I have never taught on the Ten Commandments. Whyever not, when we were taught…