bible page on gray concrete surface

Kingdom Thoughts

Know Your Bible

opened Holy Bible

The undermining of Christianity which we have observed in recent years has gone hand in hand with frequent attacks on the Bible. In the popular media it is seen as a problem book, if not downright dangerous. Projected on a…

The Speaking God

opened bible book on grey surface

There are many reasons for believing God is real, and the foremost is that he has spoken. The Letter to the Hebrews makes an extraordinary statement – In many and various ways God has spoken to our ancestors through the…

God is not Silent

opened bible book on grey surface

Christians belong to an old family. God spoke to Abraham when he lived in the Euphrates Valley. He ordered him to move to Canaan, and when he got there told him he would give the land to him and his…

Believing in God

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On Thursday Ellenbook Anglican Church commissioned its new minister and on Sunday I preached my last sermon there. Several people asked me what was next, and said how they had appreciated the weekly comments I have written for the newsletters.…

Stability in Uncertain Times

sun rays inside cave

A Place to Stand – I Corinthians 15.1-26 A sermon preached at Ellenbrook Anglican Church on Easter Day 21st April 2019 I read a line in William Manchester’s biography of Winston Churchill. When Churchill was a young military officer at…