Maker of Heaven and Earth
Genesis 1.1 – 2.2 A Sermon Preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 28th February 2021 We are looking at the ancient creeds. Starting out on a new ministry in a city church, I thought I should lay my cards on the…
Genesis 1.1 – 2.2 A Sermon Preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 28th February 2021 We are looking at the ancient creeds. Starting out on a new ministry in a city church, I thought I should lay my cards on the…
Isaiah 40.12-31 John 10.1-17 A Sermon preached in Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 21st February 2021 Last Sunday we asked the question, Is God real, and gave some reasons for believing he is. Today I wish to ask two more questions: Which…
Genesis 15.1-6 Romans 10.1-17 A sermon preached in Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 14th February 2021 We came back from Africa at the end of 2012. In the 20 years we had been away a lot of things had changed. In 1993…
A sermon preached at Holy Cross Cathedral Geraldton 31 January 2021 I once advertised I would speak on the subject, “What’s So Great About Jesus?” I was surprised by the number of people who turned up—some unusual people. They had…
A sermon preached at Holy Cross Cathedral Geraldton 24th January 2021 The place where Jesus was baptized and received his kingly appointment is near the lowest part of the earth’s surface. The way Matthew tells the story, it looks like…