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Kingdom Thoughts

Why Jesus Died

Mark 15.25-47 A Good Friday Sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 2 April 2021 Two questions confront us when we come to the Bible history: Did it really happen? And, if it did, what does it mean? In any case,…

“Descended into Hell”

A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 28th March 2021 Did Jesus go to hell? This is the question before us this morning. It is certainly a strange idea. Many theologians have abandoned it. They point out that it was…

Crucified , Dead, and Buried.

A sermon preached in Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 21st March 2021 We are working our way through a very early statement of Christian belief—from after the time of Jesus and his apostles, but stating what happened in their time, and distilling…

I Believe in the Virgin Birth of Christ

A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 14th March 2021 No aspect of Christian belief has been more furiously attacked than Jesus’ birth of the virgin Mary. The movement known as “the Enlightenment” set out to break away from the…

God’s Son, Our Lord

A Sermon Preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 7th March 2021 Arthur Bryant in his history of England tells a story which I will try to relate, though I cannot guarantee that my memory has all the details correct. I have…