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Kingdom Thoughts

Cosmic Liberator

Luke 4:31-44 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 2 May 2021 Today’s reading is about evil: Jesus heals a demon-possessed man. So the first question we need to ask is whether the Devil is real? Because most of our…

“Descended into Hell”

A Sermon Preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 28 March 2021 Did Jesus go to hell? This is the question before us this morning. It is certainly a strange idea. Many theologians have abandoned it. They point out that it was…

Why Jesus Died

Mark 15.25-47 A Good Friday Sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 2 April 2021 Two questions confront us when we come to the Bible history: Did it really happen? And, if it did, what does it mean? In any case,…

“Descended into Hell”

A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 28th March 2021 Did Jesus go to hell? This is the question before us this morning. It is certainly a strange idea. Many theologians have abandoned it. They point out that it was…

Crucified , Dead, and Buried.

A sermon preached in Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 21st March 2021 We are working our way through a very early statement of Christian belief—from after the time of Jesus and his apostles, but stating what happened in their time, and distilling…