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Kingdom Thoughts

Jesus through the Eyes of John

3 Challenging the Status Quo: John 2.12–22 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 20th February 2022 History lives on. Today we are looking at a prediction Jesus made, which was so impossible that it had to be a joke,…

Jesus through the Eyes of John

2 Surprise Party: John 2.1–11 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 13th February 2022  John wants us to know Jesus, because knowing Jesus we will know God. He wants us to know who Jesus is, and what he has…

Jesus Through the Eyes of John

1 Come and See: John 1:35–51 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 6th February 2022 When you’re on holidays and relaxing—when days consist of eating, sleeping, reading, and sitting out admiring the view, it is hard to think that…

The Light of Messiah

Matthew 4.12–17 A Christmas sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 19th December 2021 Christmas is a time we think a lot about family. Those of us who are getting on also think about long-gone parents—those who gave us our first…

Good Tidings

Isaiah 40:1–11 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 5th December 2021 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid…