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Kingdom Thoughts

Was John a Racist?

John 12.18–33 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 3 April 2022 We are nearing the end of our time with John. We have covered the first occasion some of his disciples met him, his first miracle where he saved…

Revolt in the Wilderness

John 6.1–40 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 27th March 2022 If you ever attended Sunday School you know about the feeding of the 5000. Along with his turning the water to wine, it is Jesus’ best-known miracle. It…

Jesus through the Eyes of John

5       Real Life    John 5.1–30 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 20th March 2022 Life is precious. To realize this, you only have to come close to losing it. Most of us can’t imagine anything worse than dying.…

Jesus through the Eyes of John

4 Real Worship John 4.1–42  A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 6 March 2022 We come today to the well-known account of Jesus and the woman at the well. John shares it with us for a number of reasons.…

Jesus through the Eyes of John

4 Radical Awakening John 2.23 – 3.21 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 27th February 2022 Something new is about to happen: this is the message in each of the incidents we have examined so far in John’s account…