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Kingdom Thoughts

Mistress of the House

Ephesians 1.15–23 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 22 May 2022 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks…

God’s Ministers

Acts 20.17–38 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 15th May 2022 I apologize in advance for this being a “heavy” sermon. There are important things all Christians should know, and for a church seeking a new leader it is…

God’s Family

1 Timothy 3.14–16 A sermon preached on Mothers’ Day 8th May at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral. It is a pleasure to be speaking to you this Mothers’ Day. The Church has had its own Mothering Sunday for a lot longer than…

House on a Rock

Matthew 16: 13–28 A sermon preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral 31 April 2022 I don’t know if you have ever experienced psychodrama. Some of my first year of training in Perth was spent at Graylands Hospital with a group of…

Good Friday and Easter Through the Eyes of John

1 John 1.1 – 2.2 & John 20 Two sermons preached at Geraldton Anglican Cathedral Good Friday and Easter Day April 2022 Why did Jesus die? Some have said he didn’t: perhaps he revived and escaped somewhere to live on…