Possessions and the Poor in Luke–Acts (Crowdfunding complete – praise God!)

Final cover yet to be designed

Possessions and the Poor in Luke–Acts is now fully funded! We’ll be in contact with the donors, and this page will be updated once the book is published.

In 1979 the University of Cambridge awarded me the PhD for a dissertation titled, Possessions and the Poor in Luke-Acts. I worked on this from 1975-8 at Tyndale House in Cambridge as a student of Emmanuel College. My initial supervisor was Professor C.F.D. Moule; Mr John Sweet continued my supervision after Professor Moule retired. The dissertation was published in 1982 by Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt (Linz), but is long out of print, though it continues to be read and cited. 

In 2010 the Vicar of St Helen’s Bishopsgate in London urged me to republish. He was detained in Cape Town by an ash cloud and read the dissertation in the library of George Whitefield College, where I was Principal. He felt it contained important material for preachers on an important subject. To republish meant retyping the manuscript in electronic format, and I decided to translate all the foreign language quotations to make the book accessible for non-technical readers. There is a new introduction and reviews of later books to bring it up to date. I expect this to be helpful book for preachers, scholars, students and general readers.

Wipf and Stock in the USA has offered to publish the new edition but require a contribution to cover editing and page proofs. I need to raise this money, and sufficient to send signed copies to contributors.